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€ 3 per user / month

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Years old

Latest release



Benelux, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom



Book My Calendar

Give customers access to your SuperOffice CRM calendar for quick and efficient appointment booking.

About this app

Back-and-forth emails to find a suitable slot can be time-consuming. Book My Calendar is an app that will simplify appointment scheduling.

With Book My Calendar, customers can access your calendar and schedule appointments or meetings, ensuring a seamless booking experience. All bookings are automatically updated in the SuperOffice CRM calendar, ensuring that your schedule stays up to date without any manual efforts.

With Book My Calendar, you can easily view, edit, and track appointments within your SuperOffice CRM calendar, creating a smooth workflow. By centralizing your scheduling process, you’ll remove the need to exchange emails to find a suitable time, saving time and effort.

Key features

  • Customers can access and book calendar availability without talking to anyone.
  • All bookings will be updated in SuperOffice CRM calendar in real time.

What’s new

  • Customers can now design the actual booking that the contact receives by using text and links to improve the experience.

Price information

The following price is per month and based on a yearly subscription:


  • € 3 per user per month.

In addition to the EURO, prices are available in NOK, SEK, and DKK.

Terms & Conditions

SuperOffice CRM Plan

  • All user plans.

Getting started

  1. Click the green button to get started.
  2. Follow the online instructions and use your SuperOffice CRM Admin credentials to approve the app within your SuperOffice CRM environment.
  3. Fill out your information and choose how many licenses you want to buy (you are able to change the number of licenses any time).
  4. The app is automatically added to your SuperOffice CRM. Next time you log in to SuperOffice CRM,the navigator button and web panels will be available and ready to use.
  5. Select which SuperOffice CRM users will have access to Book My Calendar through the admin panel.

System Requirements

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