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From € 140 / month

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Work more efficiently and provide your customers with a better experience.

About this app

Businesses can struggle because of manual data entry, duplicate work, and inconsistent information.

Wix is a website building platform that offers user-friendly tools for creating and managing websites, including e-commerce solutions.

With "Making SuperOffice Talk" for Wix customers can eliminate double work by automating data synchronization, resulting in more efficient and reliable financial management processes. The ability to centralize customer data and automate invoices between SuperOffice CRM and Wix streamlines sales and billing processes, ensuring consistency across all systems.

Contact our team to book a meeting.

Key features

  • Centralize customer data: Update once, synchronize everywhere.
  • Synchronise your Wix orders: Streamline sales and billing processes.
  • Update products and contacts: Keep Wix and possibly your ERP up to date with SuperOffice CRM.
  • Remove duplicate work: Automate data transfer, avoid double data entry, and reduce errors.

Price information

The following price is per month and based on a yearly subscription:

  • €140 per month for 20 SuperOffice users and 3 connected systems.

More than 20 users? Let's talk! Contact our friendly sales team.

Terms & Conditions

SuperOffice CRM Plan

  • Sales Premium plan.

Getting started

  1. Click the green button to get started.
  2. Follow the instructions and create a Making SuperOffice Talk account.
  3. Authenticate towards your SuperOffice CRM with Username and Password.
  4. Authenticate towards Wix using the Wix API Key.
  5. To ensure the best data synchronization, Making SuperOffice Talk will start a data analysis and provide recommendations (*) if required.
  6. Finalize the installation together with Sesam. This is particularly important when connecting two systems that all-ready have a lot of overlapping data as we need to make sure we are matching the data from SuperOffice CRM and Wix on the correct property.

* Time dependent on data quality and complexity - expected within 24h but up to 3 days.

System Requirements

  • SuperOffice user used to authenticate needs to have Admin rights.
  • Wix API Key can be generated by a owner the Wix site (see instructions).

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